Friday, July 9, 2010

Katropang R (3RD WEEK)


I continued my research for music tidbits from July 3-17, 2010. Gratefully, I found more updates this time compared to last week. I wasn’t able to finish it because I had a 2:30 class every Monday. So my co-intern Mikee had to continue it. Basically, I and Mikee almost do the same stuff or we continue each other’s unfinished task and check it if it’s already okay and done.

After researching and wrting music updates, I was given a new task of writing a script for ring tones; a creative way where the artists's voice will be heard as if they were the ones who have answered the phone. The script should contain 10 scenarios for audio and 10 scenarios for video. I just finished 10 scenes for audio this Friday. My teammates were really nice. They even asked me to dine with them during lunch but I always say “later” because I’m still shy to eat with them.

This week I saw Susan Enriquez and Jake Vargas. It feels like it’s normal to see artists around the network. But for me, it’s still “awesome” to see them in person when before you only get the chance to see them on TV.


I helped the Technical Director (TD) this week in logging the programs-on air and operating the console board during these programs. Again, I was invited to join Trixie and Eira to chat with them during A-List. (Thank you!:))

I also had fun on the program Tropang Rad Yo this Friday because of the cheerfulness of Katropang Earl and Faeska while they’re on air. It didn’t feel as if we were just there for internship. I am really enjoying my stay at DZUP. I get to learn trivia about songs, listen to latest news and updates, and get to appreciate more the beauty of being a Broadcast Communication major. It’s an enjoyable week, indeed!:)

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